Yu. S. Lyakhnitsky (RGO, VSEGEI)
Problems of geosite protection and usage in Russia
21st century are characterized by the increased interest
and attraction to the nature in many countries. It is
evident that the artificial urbanized landscape cannot
be favourable for normal functioning and full-fledged
life of man, who is actually part of nature. As a result,
tourism, various kinds of sport and rest linked to the
nature become more and more attractive. The amount
of tourists, who vacate in forests and in mountains, is
constantly increasing and the anthropogenic pressure
on the last areas of virgin nature increases as well.
Accordingly, the nature protection intensifies: the networks
of protected areas are constantly growing. In
Russia this development is slightly slowed down because
of economic difficulties of the transitional period.
There are cases of illegal use of specially protected
environmental areas (SPEA) as commercial excursiontourist
There is nothing negative in the fact that nature qualities
are used for tourism, but many remarkable geosites perish because they lack reasonable control and
good management. It is a worry that this process often
seems to be spontaneous. Businessmen do not think
of their role and responsibility to nature and society.
Those who understand it, often have no governmental
scientific and methodical support.
It is necessary to state that in Russia the methodical
and legal base of geosite usage is applied insufficiently.
There are very few practical scientific elaborations
aimed at the harmonic combination of protection
and positive humanistic use of nature, and those available
are used very rarely in practice. At the same time,
geosites preservation is a most important national task.
It is necessary to bear in mind that it is impossible to
renew the geosites, and when loosing them, we also
loose irretrievably unique information and their aesthetic
and inspiring wealth.
The situation with geosites triggers concern. They are
protected poorly and to give them the status of SPEA,
do not influence the status of these geosites in reality.
There are many examples of the unfavorable situation
concerning SPEA usage. For example, caves are very
attractive for commercial usage owing to their aesthetic
properties and great interest of tourists. Unfortunately,
at the same time they are the most vulnerable objects.
Each geosite is unique and non-renewable by nature. It
is possible to grow a forest, to revivify a population
based on several species, but a geosite, an evidence
of our planet’s history of great scientific value, a source
of perception and inspiration, disappears for ever when
destructed. Suffice it to remember an instance when a
grandiose gypsum grotto of the Bornukovskaya cave
was destroyed by explosion.
There are several excursion caves in Russia, but they
are often used and arranged without relevant legal
basis, without agreement with nature conservation
bodies and sometimes without agreement with governmental
entities, and what is more important, without
a competent project, based on detailed studies and
elaboration of rules of usage. The elaboration of the
speleological underground excursion route must be
based on detailed studies of morphology, stability of
the natural roofs, hydrology, hydrochemistry, mineralogy,
microclimatology, microbiology, peculiarities of the
radiation background, radon hazard, etc. It is clear that
speleological engineering is a crown of scientific speleology
and this problem cannot be solved by a commercial
company or by tourist-speleologists.
Meanwhile, a lot of caves in Russia can be used for
excursions. In the Caucasus, Urals and the Far East
there are areas of classic karst landscapes. It is many
gypsum caves in the Pinego-Kuloi region, Arkhangelsk
Oblast. In the Caucasus, in the Sochi National Park
and in the area of the Logonaki Ridge there are the
Vorontsovskaya (Fig. 1) and Krestic-Turist caves that
is more than 10 km long. In the East Sayan, there is
the Oreshnaya cave (ca. 60 km), the world’s largest
cave in conglomerates. The unique suffosion-erosion
“Svyataya” cave is situated on the tribute of the Oredezh
River, not far from the Nabokov’s estate. This is a
large picturesque grotto with a small stream. It is highly
competitive with some karst caves of the Caucasus or
the Urals in dimensions and aesthetic characteristics.
At present, this cave is not protected and there are no
organized excursions there, but this unique pseudokarst
site is worthy of attention (Fig. 2).
In summer 2005 the Academy of Sciences of Bashkortostan
held a very interesting workshop devoted to
nature monuments under the aegis of the Russian
“ProGEO” Group and arranged a tour to the wellknown
“Icy Askyn Cave”. This is a huge grotto with
microclimate of a “cold bag”, where perennial ice is
accumulated. During the last years, with relative warm
winters, the amount of leakages decreased, but ice
stalagnates up to 15 m high have been preserved (Fig.3). The cave floor is covered with “sculpture groups” of
whimsical ice stalagmites. This object is worth of attention,
but it is impossible to make it a target of general
tourism. The ice will start thawing and its value will be
destroyed. Who can guarantee that tomorrow an adventurous
businessman won’t arrange general tours
there? The protection of this cave has not been arranged.
In the early 90s, geologists of VSEGEI, St. Petersburg
State University, and speleologists of our city started
the operations in order to save the Sablino nature
monument. It had been announced to be a nature
monument as far back as 1976, but it was poorly protected
and it was severely degraded. The territory
around the cave was built. It was filled with abundant
dumps, the cave ceilings were collapsing, and hooligans
and Satanists made themselves at home there.
People often were lost there, and it was very dangerous
to conduct tours.
Now the situation is quite different. The Sablino complex
nature monument is one of the most valuable in
the north-west of Russia. It is situated 40 km from St.
Petersburg. There are twelve artificial caves (former
mines essentially reworked by natural processes), two waterfalls, canyons of the Sablinka and Tosna rivers,
and numerous rock exposures with cross-sections of
Cambrian and Ordovician rock series typical of the
sediments of the northwestern margin of the Russian
plate, paleontological and mineralogical objects, spas,
and places of interest associated with Russia’s history
and culture.
In 1992, on the initiative of public organizations, the
administration of the Leningrad Oblast made a decision
to create the Sablino nature conservation excursiontourist
centre (geoenvironmental reserve). The main
concept of the enterprise was the arrangement of efficient
control of the SPEA state and its protection using
funds obtained from regulated excursion-tourist activity.
A team of geologists, speleologists, ecologists, mining
engineers of VSEGEI and other enterprises under the
leadership of the author, implemented successfully the feasibility studies based on budgets for environmental
protection of the Leningrad Oblast and the Tosno Region.
The set of investigations consisted in geoenvironmental,
topographic, biological, speleological, microclimatic,
radiation, radon, hydrological, hydrochemical,
mining and other studies. Projects were elaborated
by specialists of design and research institutes such as
“Giprogor”, Giproruda, and the All-Russian Mine Institute.
Special measures were elaborated for safety
wintering of wing-handed animals (Fig. 4). The designed
project was positively estimated by the Environmental
Expertise, the administration of the Tosno
Region, environmental community, geologists, and
Then the process of regulated arrangement of the cave
complex started. In the Levoberezhnaya cave an underground
tour route was prepared (Fig. 5) including
securing of unstable areas, concreting of upper parts of
entrances, regulation of hydrologic and microclimatic
regimes, creation of the excursion path, etc. After that,
stone staircases on steep slopes of the route were
made and fencing of the most valuable areas of the
site was constructed. The established regime favours
the conservation of the ecosystem localizing the visitors’
flow on the routes in the cave and in the recreation halls. These measures also promote education of
students from the State University during geological
practical training in summer. The students examine the
most fresh and accessible outcrops in the cave with
fine facial features of ancient Cambrian and Ordovician
sediments (cross bedding, rewashing structures, collectors,
For the control of the monument state and its protection,
a public non-commercial organization was created
with the participation of speleologists, geologists,
ecologists, tourists, and cultural workers. Based on the
agreement with the Government of the Leningrad
Oblast, this organization started the conservation of the
nature monument and conduction of tours. The work is
made using funds received from tourism. Now the
round-the-clock guarding of the Levoberezhnaya cave
is arranged, the territory of the monument is patrolled,
the tours are conducted all the year round. Several
variants of the tours were elaborated. Coach and working
tours are made as well as “speleological trip” including
the water (boating) area of underground lakes,
In addition to the cave, sightseers visit two canyon-like
river valleys, waterfalls, picturesque cliffs, mineral ferriferous
hydrosulphuric springs. They are shown outcrops
of blue Cambrian clays with pyrite crystals, Ordovician
organogenic limestones with orthceratites,
brachiopods, trilobites, etc. There are also very interesting
historical places: the camp of Alexander Nevsky
before his battle with the Swedes, the place, where
previously there was an estate of Aleksey K. Tolstoy –
“Pustynka”, the famous boulder of the philosopher and
poet V.S. Soloviev, near to which he liked to have a
rest, to write verses, etc.
Protection of the territory is conducted preserving the
existing level of anthropogenic loading in the urbanized
zones and does not suppose it’s strengthening. The
zones of strict protection manage to be preserved
against excessive visiting by tourists.
The experience of the creation of the Sablino natureprotection
excursion-tourist center, on the whole, testifies
that the chosen types of activity answer the posed
task and promote both to the improvement of the nature
monument and carrying out of educational works.
It improves the general ecological and social situation
in the area. In spite of the area has not got the official
status of a geopark, in reality it can be considered as a
It was visited by tens of thousands of schoolchildren,
family groups, people of various ages and professions.
It is of particular importance that Sablino is visited by
schoolchildren, teenagers, and to many of them these
excursions “open eyes” to the beauty of nature, geology, ecology, speleology. During the excursions they
listen to lectures during 3 or 4 hours and simultaneously
they examine remarkable natural objects. The
educational benefit of such excursions exceeds greatly
the results of visiting museums and school lessons.
Another example of a positive geosite transformation is
an attempt to save the Palaeolithic painting in the Kapova
Cave (Shulgan Tash), Bashkortonstan, unique in
East Europe. It is situated on the bank of the Belaya
River in its latitudinal stream, in the area of the Sulgan
Tash State Reserve (Fig. 6). This site is a complex
monument (geological and cultural) of world significance.
This is the only cave in the Russion Federation
with diverse, relatively well-preserved ancient paintings
ca. 17,000 years old (Front picture). Not long ago,
tourists had to pass through the non-appointed cave in
water and mud to see the Paleolithic paintings. Now,
due to the activities of the Ministry of Culture and National
Policy of Bashkortostan with the participation of
specialists from VSEGEI and Russian Geographical
Society (RGO), it has been possible to elaborate a
local tour at the entrance into the cave and to block the
entry into the cave to the original paintings.
Tourists look round numerous copies of ancient drawings,
the giant Main Gallery and the grand grotto “Portal”.
Careful arrangement of the second-order tour with
a vertical component is well elaborated and justified as
result of comprehensive research. Sightseers will be
able to ascend onto the intermediate terrace of the
gallery and to see the entrance into the cave from
above. The concept of the regulated tour entrance area
of the cave was approved by French experts, who
visited the cave in 2004.
Unfortunately, part of the drawings is perishing because
of excess water inflow into the cave, but a set of
measures has been elaborated for water drainage and
paint fixing, correction of hydrological regime and microclimate
of the cave. The restoration of the paintings
is planned.
The project is also being designed to create on the
basis of this unique monument an up-to-date historical
and archaeological, landscape-speleological, cultural,
educational centre, whose infrastructure will be situated
beyond the PPNA territory, so as sightseers do
not cause damage. We hope that the implementation
of this project will be a considerable contribution to
Russia’s nature and historical monuments protection.
Another project elaborated by a group of researchers
of VSEGEI and RGO is related to the Staraya Ladoga
cave arrangement, the Leningrad Oblast. It is situated
in the territory of the Staraya Ladoga Reserve Museum
and the geosite of the same name.
An interesting project on the creation of the Mining
Geological, and Speleological Museum in the Mine of
the Pechelansky gypsum plant “Decor-1” in the vicinity
of Arzamas was implemented by our specialists in
cooperation with local miners. The activities were financed
by the “Sin’ Rossii” Holding Company. This is
Russia’s first mine museum where visitors will have a
possibility to familiarize themselves with the ABC of
this branch of sciences, little known to the common
public and to enjoy the beauty of the underground
Work with the caves, similar to other natural objects,
requires professionalism. Alas, our universities do not
teach speleology. Only having passed the difficult way
of self-instruction, based on the knowledge of geology,
microclimatology, hydrogeology, results of numerous
expeditions, relying on works and experience of speleologists
and karstologists of older generation such as
G.A. Maksimovich and V.N. Dublyansky it is possible
to approach the problem of safe usage and arrangement
of caves.
Now it is important not to waste time. The accumulated
material allow us to solve the following most important problems: professional inspection of geosites of world
and federal significance, the organization of geosite
monitoring, the elaboration of efficient juridical documents
on the protection and employment of the geosites
and the scientific and methodical base for the
design of nature-protection excursion and tourist centers,
the arrangement and employment of complicated
and vulnerable natural objects. It is necessary that all
the organizations and the individuals trying to use the
geosites operate within the limits of rigid rules, “rules of
play” similar for everybody, which do not give the possibility
to cause damage to natural objects.
In Russia it is very important that the employment of
geosites is done on the basis of regulated and strictly
controllable use and that scientific and methodical
principles are professionally approved after an environmental
impact assessment.
A serious scientific approach is necessary for the estimation
of the significance and the choice of the objects
to be used and arranged. Systems of geosite estimation
are to be developed concerning the commercial
value and the scientific, nature-protection significance
of a nature sanctuary and it is not obligatory that they
must coincide. It is absolutely necessary to consider
“the emotional-aesthetic potential”, peculiarities of the
geosite perception. Unfortunately, they are often believed
to be “unscientific”, superfluous and are often
rejected while analyzing a geosite.
The arrangement of the Sablino nature-conservative
excursion-tourist center is a good case of protection
and utilization of a geosite. This experiment has given
rather positive result, which can be widely used in
We have organized a group of scientists, researchersspeleologists
consisting of researchers of VSEGEI and
the Commission on Speleology and Karst History of
the Russian Geographic Society, which has great experience
in integrated study of large complex speleosystems
and designing of ecologically harmless tours.
It allows developing necessary scientific-methodical
rules for safe use of geological heritage objects for
excursions and for educational purposes. Our knowledge
and experience can be very useful while deciding
the fate of the most complex and valuable caves.
It is necessary to bear in mind that nature sanctuaries,
being the most aesthetically and intellectually significant
elements of a landscape, render very important
emotional and educational influence on children, the
rising generation, and that is why they are an ethnosforming
factor. To save them is our duty!
Официальный сайт Ленинградской областной общественной организации
"Сохранение природы и культурного наследия",
обладающей эксклюзивным правом
ведения деятельности на территории Комплексного памятника природы "Саблинский".
Телефон +7 (952) 270-48-03, e-mail: sablinonet@yandex.ru
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